
Domain Appraisal Service

Discover the Value of your Domain Name
Instant Domain Valuation and Comprehensive Domain Data Analysis

1,493,316 USD
17,034 USD
36,071 USD
10,990 USD
16,458,254 USD
12,286 USD
1,001,393 USD
74,668,240 USD

Get a Full Domain Analysis Report

Our Domain Analysis Report provides a comprehensive overview of all available information for your domain. This is an invaluable resource, especially if you're considering purchasing a domain and want to have a complete understanding of its history and potential.

Check WHOIS Information
Registrar, Creation, Last Updated and Expire Date
Check Search Volume Information
Keyword Popularity over last 5 Years
Check Authority Information
Domain Authority & Page Authority Rank
Check Backlinks
Total incoming Backlinks
Check SpamScore
Spam Content Quality Indicator
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Keyword Difficulty, Competition, CPC (Cost per Click)
Check TLD Singluarity
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Search for Trademark and Patent Infringements
Free Domain Appraisal Domain Data Report

Domain Analysis & Value Calculator

How we Determine the Domain Value

We give you all information for your domain and determine its value based on factual information.

Our Scoring Algorithm utilizes 15 different data factors to calculate an estimated value for your domain, solely relying on data. This includes aspects such as the domain extension, domain name length, the presence of relevant Keywords, Search Volume, Domain Age, Domain Authority, Page Authority, SpamScore and Backlinks. The algorithm analyzes and assesses these factors to compute a value factor that calculates the approximate value of the domain.


.com Domains hold the highest value in Domains
Domain Length

Domain Length
Shorter domain names hold higher value

Keywords enhance domain relevance and value
Search Volume

Search Volume
High searches indicate valuable domain potential
Domain Age

Domain Age
Domains gain trust and more value with Age

More backlinks mean higher domain worth

Domain Authority
High authority signals valuable domain quality

Page Authority
Page authority influences also the domain value

Spam lowers domain reputation and worth

Availability of similar TLDs and Backlink quality

.com Domains hold the highest value in Domains
Domain Length

Domain Length
Shorter domain names hold higher value
Domain Age

Domain Age
Domains gain trust and more value with Age
Search Volume

Search Volume
High searches indicate valuable domain potential

Keywords enhance domain relevance and value

More backlinks mean higher domain worth
Domain Authority

Domain Authority
High authority signals valuable domain quality
Page Authority

Page Authority
Page authority influences also the domain value

Spam lowers domain reputation and worth

Hidden Factors
Availability of similar TLDs and Backlink quality

Wobado Domain Rating

The rating system helps to see the potential among thousands of domains at a glance

Free Domain Appraisal - Rating A
A Rating indicates that the domain name demonstrates excellent characteristics in various key areas, including length, search volume, age and more.
Free Domain Appraisal - Rating B
B Rating suggests that the domain name has good attributes in relevant areas, but there may be areas where other domains may be more advantageous.
Free Domain Appraisal - Rating C
C Rating indicates that the domain name exhibits average characteristics and may have certain disadvantages compared to other domains in specific areas.
Free Domain Appraisal - Rating D
D Rating implies that the domain has less advantageous features in key areas and may therefore be at a disadvantage compared to other domain names.

Evaluating Domain Value and Selling Domains

Welcome to our free tool for determining domain value. It provides a simple and effective way to estimate the value of domain names. Our advanced algorithms consider 12 important factors to provide a estimation of the domain's worth. Whether you want to sell a domain, buy a domain, or simply understand the value of your existing domain portfolio, determining domain value is a complex process that requires a comprehensive analysis of various aspects. Our tool takes into account factors such as domain extension, domain length, keywords, search volume, domain age and manyother factors. With this information, you can get a idea of how much the domain could be worth.

Note on Calculating Domain Value

It should be noted that the results from our tool should be used as guidelines and not as absolute or binding evaluations. The actual value of a domain can depend on many additional factors, including individual negotiation skills and specific market conditions. We recommend using our valuation results as a starting point and conducting further research to obtain a more comprehensive assessment of the domain's value. Factors such as domain history, market positioning, and potential for future growth or revenue should also be taken into consideration. We hope that our domain valuation tool helps you assess the value of your domains and make informed decisions, recognizing the full potential of domain investments.

Additional Domain Value Factors

Other factors and individual market conditions should be considered to make an informed decision about the value of a domain. Here are some additional aspects to consider when evaluating a domain:
  • The history of the domain, including its previous use, ownership changes and any security issues
  • Potential revenue and profit potential associated with the related business idea
  • The significance of the domain extension and its relevance to the target audience
  • The brandability of the domain and its suitability for creating a strong brand identity
  • Legal aspects such as trademark rights or domain disputes.

The Dynamic Nature of Our Domain Valuation

Our domain classification system should not be understood as a final and definitive evaluation. It is important to note that the classification is merely a snapshot of the domain's current state. There are high-quality domains in the B or C categories that simply do not have high search volume yet and are thus classified in a lower C or D class. It is important to recognize that every valuation result can significantly improve over time with increasing search volume. Domains in lower classes still have the potential to increase in value over time and with growing search volume. Therefore, one should not draw premature conclusions but work on unlocking the full potential of the domain. The valuation can improve over time, by Age or by adding more Backlinks, higher Domain Authority, Page Authority and a low SpamScore - much like a fine wine that matures and gains quality and value over time.

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